DSG Global Services

Global Ethics, Risk, and Compliance

No CEO wants to be in the news because of a foreign government bribery investigation, or other GRC-related investigation.

What are the risks? Some companies never recover from the negative press that results in a damaged reputation and decreased value. The SEC is very vigilant about anti-bribery corruption. Lack of training of what constitutes a GRC violation can result in significant penalties.

Let DSG Global be your guide.

Good GRC internal controls will minimize violations and risk of penalties.

A good GRC program connects directly to the bottom line.

It saves money by ensuring compliance with regulations and avoiding noncompliance fines.

Our Solution

DSG Global offers intelligent anti-bribery and corruption solutions that help your business proactively strengthen GRC compliance, automate due diligence workflows and stay focused on core business objectives.

By delivering relevant global risk insights that support well-informed decisions, our structured GRC solutions help fortify compliance with anti-bribery acts and anti-corruption regulations.

 Case Study


A leading software company was having their largest user conference and had provided free passes to several companies from around the world.


Determine which of these companies were actually owned by foreign governments, as the provision of free passes may be construed as a bribe to a government official subject to FCPA fines.

Our Solution

We researched the shareholdings of each of the foreign attendee companies and identified several attendees which were actually foreign government-owned.


The company was able to identify which guest companies could not receive a free pass, and thereby avoided a FCPA violation and potential fine.

 Client Testimonials

Deep and I have worked on Trade Compliance projects in several countries for Alcon Laboratories Inc. Deep has demonstrated his knowledge of trade compliance requirements in the areas of valuation, classification and license requirements. Deep knows how to evaluate processes and procedures to meet trade regulation in multiple countries.
— Boyd Jernigan - Global Head of Trade Compliance, ALCON LABS, (NOVARTIS GROUP)
I have had the opportunity to work with DSG Global on several world wide compliance audits. Deep and DSG Global strategically walked us through the requirements, filled in the gaps, improved our processes, and ultimately helped us pass several important import/export compliance audits with flying colors! Deep’s expert technical knowledge, vast experience, great attitude, and the care he shows his clients are world class.
— Taylor Grace, Sr. Director Global Partner Management, CURVATURE

Learn more about how Global Ethics, Risk, and Compliance can help your organization with a complimentary consultation.