DSG Global Services

Litigation Support

We provide expertise to internal and external counsel prior to and during the litigation process.

What are the risks?

Let DSG Global be your guide.

Cut legal fees by engaging us to do documentation review and associated tasks.

We have the proven expertise to work with internal and external legal counsel.

We have served as expert witnesses on several international trade issues.

Our Solution

Our experts bring decades of background and expertise in compliance regulations, practices, and issues to their depositions and the witness stand.

Our end-to-end approach to client partnership includes initial consultations, analyzing the facts and data in each matter, recommending a course of action, and, if necessary, testifying as a expert witness at depositions and hearings.

DSG Global provides Litigation Support expertise to internal and external counsel prior to and during the litigation process.

Our consultants work with legal counsel in documentation review.  

When matters go to court, we can provide expert witness testimony in arbitration forums; and in state and criminal and civil proceedings.

 Case Study


When a large electronic parts manufacturer received a notice of an investigation from CBP, they decided to file a prior disclosure at the advice of their legal counsel.


DSG Global was engaged by the outside law firm to review customs entries going back a period of 5 years due to the statute of limitations.

Our Solution

DSG Global’s team reviewed all entries, and quantified the estimate customs duties owed, and prepared the prior disclosure.


The client’s prior disclosure was accepted by CBP and their penalties were waived.

 Client Testimonials

Deep is one of the most well-known and respected, international trade practitioners in the San Francisco Bay/Silicon Valley area. In addition, his sincerity, enthusiasm and collegiality makes him one of the nicest people to collaborate with!
— Dean Fealk, Managing Partner, San Francisco, DLA Piper LLP (US)
I have enjoyed working with Deep SenGupta as members of the PECSEA appointed by the US Secretary of Commerce. He has impressed me with his knowledge of export controls and international trade issues. He has always been exceptionally courteous and a pleasure to work with.
— Michelle Schulz, Managing Partner - Schulz Trade Law, PLLC
When we had to file a prior disclosure, Deep worked with our outside counsel to prepare a prior disclosure. This required review of hundreds of documents and import entries. We were very happy with the quality of his work.
— Alison Harris, Director, International Trade Compliance - America's, AVNET

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